Monday, October 24, 2011

Real Estate Technology: Making It a Profit Center for Your Business

Despite the large amounts of time I spend surrounded by bits, bytes and other tech related objects, I am first and foremost a business person.

And while clients, vendors and revenues are important to running a business,
PROFIT is king.  After all, it hardly matters what you make.  What really matters is
what you keep.

To that end, I firmly believe that if technology is not making you money, then
something needs to change.

It is time that real estate professionals stop shortchanging themselves by viewing
technology as nothing more than a support staff for their business.  Yes, computers
are good at automating menial tasks, but they are even more effective at marketing,
selling and generating profits for your real estate business.

In order to transform real estate technology from a cost center into a profit center, it
needs to be promoted from the "administrative staff to the board room."  Real estate
technology needs to become a strategic partner in your business, working WITH you
to achieve your CORE GOALS.  If it can't do its job, then it needs to leave.

So how in the world do you do that?

The first step is to be absolutely clear about what your goals are.  Goal setting can
look very different from business to business, but the important thing is that your
goals are SPECIFIC and MEASURABLE.  What EXACTLY do you want to achieve?  By

And how will you know if you are on the right track?

Goal setting can take a lot of time, but the payoff to having your target clearly
defined will be huge!

Once your goals are set, you are ready to begin brainstorming about how to use
technology, not to SUPPORT you in reaching those goals, but to PROPEL you to reach
them faster, easier and with more certainty.

Of course the help of an expert won't hurt in making technology decisions for your
real estate business, but the important thing is to make sure that EVERY decision
you make has a clear connection to moving you closer to your goals.  As a business
owner, however, YOU have to lay the important groundwork by etching your goals
clearly in your mind.

When technology is completely aligned with helping you reach your business goals,
your real estate business will run more smoothly and create larger profits with less
effort than ever before.

So is there room for improvement in your current real estate technology situation?

Here are some questions to consider:

1. If your current computer systems were an employee, would you fire him?

2. Which does your current technology setup create more of, clients or problems?

3. Is technology pushing you towards your goals or creating obstacles between you
and your goals?

And the most important question of all...

4. At the end of the day, is all of your real estate technology costing you money or is
it making you money?

NOW is the time to consider stepping onto a new path: the path where technology
begins to put money in your pocket rather than take it out of your pocket.  This new
path is more fun and a whole lot more profitable.           

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